Ms. Kristin Obermyer

Associate Instructor

Department of Computing Sciences

Villanova University



Fall 2023 Office Hours - See syllabus for details

MW 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. and by appointment


Current Teaching - Fall 2023

CSC 4790-001 & 002 - Senior Projects

CSC 8542 - Software Design and Evolution

CSC 1990 - Enrichment Seminar in Computing

Looking for the syllabus?  Login to Blackboard to view all course materials.


Courses Taught in Previous Semesters

CSC 1035 - Databases for Many Majors

CSC 1051 - Algorithms and Data Structures I

CSC 1052 - Algorithms and Data Structures II

CSC 1990 - Enrichment Seminar in Computing

CSC 2014 - Java Bootcamp

CSC 4480 - Principles of Database Systems

CSC 4700 - Software Engineering

CSC 4790 - Senior Projects

CSC 5930-002 - Advanced Senior Projects

CSC 8540 - Software Engineering

CSC 8542 - Software Design and Evolution

CSC 8600 - Object-Oriented Design and Programming

CSC 5930/8545 - Software Studio

CSC 5930/9010 - Special Topics: Quantum Computing


Project Advising

CSC 9025 - Grand Challenges of Computing

CSC 9030 - Thesis

CSC 5993 - Independent Study

ECE 3970 - Engineering Senior Capstone


Areas of Interest

Software Engineering

Software Architecture and Design

Software Testing

Agile/Lean Methodologies

Quantum Computing


Service Activities

Academic Advising - Class of 2024

Grace Hopper Team Lead

Villanova Women in Tech

CS Dept. DEI Committee